Over 1500 quality clay and ceramic products for hobbyists,
teachers, and potters.
Amaco Velvet Underglazes
For Bisque,Greenware, and Wet Clay.Additional product
information at www.amaco.com AP nontoxic except where noted.Dinnerware safe when covered
by any dinnerware safe glaze such as Amaco LG10, F10, and HF-9
clear glazes.
Available in Liquid 2oz & 16oz except where noted. 2oz only
available. *
Vessel with Velvet Underglaze and clear glaze LG-10. Vessel by Juliet Dearing
Glaze Safety Information
Products bearing the AP Approved product seal of the
Art and Creative Materials Institute, Inc. contain no materials
in sufficient quantities to be toxic or injurious to humans or
to cause acute or chronic health problems. They may be used with
complete confidence by persons of all ages including young students
(K-6) and handicapped adults.
Products bearing the CL Health Label (Cautions Required) seal
of the Art and Creative Materials Institute, Inc. are certified
to be properly labeled according to the chronic hazard labeling
standard, ASTM D-4236 and the U.S. Labeling of Hazardous Art Materials.
These glazes and underglazes should be used only by persons who
can read and follow suggested label precautions for safe use.
Safety Key
Use this key as a guide to safety information for individual
glazes and underglazes above. Caution: None of these products
should be taken internally. They contain ingredients not suitable
for ingestion or inhalation. Note: In order for glazes labeled
(1) (2) or (5) to be dinnerware safe, they must be fired to recommended
firing temperature. Read labels on glaze containers for more information.
(1) Non-Toxic. Can be used safely by everyone. Dinnerware
safe if fired properly. (2) Contains some heavy metals. Can be safely used by people
who are able to read, understand, and follow suggested safety
precautions for handling these materials. May be dinnerware safe
if fired properly. (3) May invite bacterial growth due to the soft or crackle
nature of the glaze. Not dinnerware safe. (4) Contains lead and/or cadmium. Not dinnerware safe. (5) Contains encapsulated cadmium. Dinnerware safe if fired
Copyright 2003 Fort Pottery Company. All rights reserved.